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Shaho Products

Hair Tonic


Hair Cream


Eyebrow Cream




Shaho® hair care Products Are made from natural plant for treating skin and hair loss problems.




Shaho Ismael Barzinji was born in 1963 in QadirKaram, Kirkuk. He has a wide expertise of knowledge. He first attained a Diploma in electric science, then he received a bachelor degree in law. He worked as a lawyer for a single year, then he was appointed as county administrator in Qadirkaram, Batofa District, Barzan where he has remained until the present time.
He learnt to use medicinal plants from his father: "My father Sheikh Ismail, the son of Sheikh Abdulkareem, was born in 1904. His Excellency belongs to the family of Sheikh Hassan Qarachewar who were considered as religious and religion advisors in this area. “As I remember, my father was well known as a folk surgeon in this district. People from different places visited for remedies,which he gave with-out payment". He also learnt to use plants for treating people, from my grandfather Sheikh Abdulkareem, the Qadirkaramian, who was very well experienced in this field. His treatments which were produced especially for Eye Pain, still exist in this century and are still used by his sons, generation after generation.

This information and knowledge has remained in tact and kept by his sons untill it reached my hands .I did my best to preserve it and to develop it untill I succeeded in producing the mixture Shaho that I am describing today.

My father had had many meetings and interviews about this subject. He was recommended and supported by Scientific Research Establishments and Medicament Researchers and Medicinal Plants Centres under the letter No.22/5 in 4,July 1978. This Establishment also appreciated him because he presented so much useful and important information and was acknowledged and described by Sheikh Ismail Barzinji himself.

Sheikh Ismail Barzinji also had meetings with Dr.Ali Askari who was a university teacher in Baghdad in the department of Agriculture and now lives abroad. “My father also had an interview with a monthly magazine called ((Health and Society)) under NO.12-24 in November 1989.

"After his death on 5th August 1992, I continued his work paying attention to what interested him the most, such as using plants for the treatment of Skin disorders. Continuing his work keeps his memory alive and his soul has always guided me and helped me with all the difficulties throughout my research in this field"

Mr.Shaho produced a mixture with natural plants in 1993, which is used for removal of the putrefaction of Human’s Skin, especially the putrefaction of fingers and removing the bad smell of axilla (the armpit). In 1995, Mr.Shaho succeeded in making a product for stopping hair loss and its regeneration. In 1998 he started to concentrate on the full development of this product, through academic and scientific research, covering different stages through the development and producing instructions on how to use the product.

More than 750 people have participated in taking these products both, male and female and with varying ages between 10 -75 years. The results of the






Contact: Shaho Hair Care / Kiesstr. 69 / Darmstadt 64283 / Germany / Tel. +49 6151 1546 980 / Fax: +49 6151 307 2174 / Email:





















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